önceki karpostal


sonraki karpostal


Dear Son,

I may be not able to be a model about everything but we can close the gap with models I can refer to you I suppose 🙂 I realized that whenever I write to this collection, somewhere in my mind is always to refere good modles to you.

Six man on this card are good models for you. Thor Heyerdahl and 5 friend of him, which are as crazy as him spent 99 days in ocean with primitive raft KON-TİKİ, which you can see on those cards, in order to proove it was right what they were arguing.

For me, the most important thing in Norway was the Museom of KON-TİKİ



The one, who introduced me was your uncle. He gave me a book as he did many times and “changed my life”*

I hope you’ll have the privilege to wonder among his books too; soon you’ll start to fly with dragons and travel beyond ocean with KON-TIKI.


I also hope that you’ll have the power to stay straight and argue for things you think they are right. On the other hand, you should be careful not to be monomaniac while you stand for your truth.

Your wind may be pupa, your for ship may be neta in your life 😀

Your father


(there is a reference to “New Life”, the book of Orhan Pamuk)





I add two maps here. One of them is where the Kon-Tiki Museum lies. Other one is, where spirit of Kon-Tiki lies…

Buraya iki harita ekliyorum. Birincisi Kon-Tiki Müzesinin olduğu yer. İkincisi Kon-Tiki’nin ruhunun olduğu yer…

[mapsmarker marker=”143″]


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